What is Animal Healing?

Animal Healing & Communication is a way of understanding your pets through telepathy and energy medicine.

Animal communication is the transfer of thoughts, pictures, words, and feelings from an animal to me. I believe this is the best way to establish a safe foundation and I start every session with this technique. This in itself can be very healing for an animal, it’s similar to how we feel when we need to ‘get something off our chest’ and the relief that comes having shared with a close friend. Once I can ‘see’ a situation from the animal’s perspective I am able to facilitate a solution or healing around it that is specific to that animal. I once worked with a dog named Mickey who was very sad. He told me he wanted another doggy friend, a companion. As soon as we introduced him to another dog the problem was solved! He immediately shifted into a joyful, fun loving being. This was helpful because the family was on the fence about adopting another dog and this gave them clarity.


Another energy healing modality I use is Healing Touch for Animals (HTA). HTA is a gentle, relaxing modality using specific techniques (with touch, near-touch, or remotely) to clear, balance, and strengthen the energy system. Once the energetic system is aligned— the physical, emotional, mental, and instinctual systems begin to work at their optimal rhythms as well. I had a remote session with a dog named Louie who lived with his family in Brazil. For several days after a family member passed, Louie was depressed and refused to eat. About 30 minutes after our remote healing session, the family reported that Louie got up and finally started eating his food. He agreed to keep moving forward while processing his grief. During our session I communicated to Louie that he is loved and supported by his family. Although the person he was most connected to had moved on he was still safe and the rest of the family members loved him just as much.

Aromatherapy is also a great tool for healing emotionally and physically. I use only organic, therapeutic-grade essential oils which can be applied topically, diffused, and safely ingested. I’ve been using Young Living essential oils as an independent distributor since 2003 and stand by their process and product. One of my own dogs, Libby, absolutely loved to be rubbed down with lavender. In her senior years she would sit at my feet every evening and bark at me until I got out the lavender for her nightly massage. She knew that this massage would calm her anxiety and relieve her muscle and joint soreness. This nightly ritual also strengthened our relationship. I also make a variety of essential oil sprays for both animals and humans. Contact me for further information or to purchase.

What is a
Rainbow Bridge Doula?

The Rainbow Bridge is commonly known as the ‘spiritual’ or ‘etheric’ bridge. Our beloved animal companions cross over this bridge that links Earth to Heaven. This place is magical and paradisiacal. Our pets go there and are ultimately reunited with their human companions. Transitioning out of the physical realm into the spiritual realm is a very natural passage for our pets. For us, on the other hand, it tends to be a time of great emotional sorrow. One of my many passions for animals is to make this ‘rite of passage’ as beautiful and meaningful as possible. End of life care has always been deeply special to me. Over the years I have had many dogs in ‘hospice care,’ so I am familiar and comfortable with the attention that it requires. As a Rainbow Bridge Doula my involvement has ranged from hospice care that began at an early diagnosis of a terminal illness to the sudden and unexpected loss of a beloved companion.  

When I work with a family I tune into each individuals needs to make the transition as smooth as possible. Through the years I have given simple ‘bucket list’ readings where a companion told me several activities they wanted to do— this gave the family some ideas as to how they could spend their final days. Sometimes an animal communication session can help you understand whether or not they’re ready go. I have also sat with animals in my arms sharing heart space, unconditional love, and grace during euthanasia. Some pet parents do not have the emotional capacity to do the ‘letting go’, so I am there to offer as much love as I would give my own beloved. On one occasion I had a family that wanted me to come to the vet just before the euthanasia to set the tone of love, acceptance, and gratitude. I asked them to share their favorite stories about their beloved aloud so we could all share in the joyful memories. Our animal companions love when we do this! They really do want us to be happy all the time.

As a Rainbow Bridge Doula the modalities of care will be unique to each animal. This may look like an ongoing relationship that begins as soon an illness is diagnosed and continued throughout to provide comfort and care. Often times I am on call for sudden unexpected emergencies. If I am available I am happy to come right away. However, if their passing over the rainbow bridge is on the horizon I also facilitate “Best Last Days.” Best Last Days can be relaxing with massage and essential oils or they can be fabulous pet parties!

Speaking of parties, I worked with a beautiful Boxer named Roberta who was at the end of her long, hard life. She had been bred and ignored for many years. She told me that throughout her life her puppies got all of the attention, litter after litter. She was feeling unappreciated so I suggested we have a ‘Princess Party’ to honor her for the beautiful princess that she is. The very next day we celebrated. I painted her nails bright pink, dressed her in a pink thunder shirt and attached purple fairy wings. I slipped on a princess crown and pink beads in celebration. After Roberta ate a breakfast of homemade banana pancakes we drove all over town to some of her favorite places. She took a short run on the beach (something she probably would not have had the energy for the day prior), we explored some trails, and simply enjoyed the car ride from place to place. We finished our adventure by sitting outside of our local health food store sharing a strawberry smoothie while getting lots of smiles, love, and compliments from passers by. Most said ‘happy birthday’ to her and I agreed that indeed, it was Roberta’s Happy Day. Late that afternoon at her scheduled time, exhausted and extremely satisfied, she passed peacefully in my arms with a smile on her face. I will always cherish times like these and always be so honored to walk them home.  

A Rainbow Bridge Doula can assist a family through this very difficult transition. I bring experience and ease to something that is often confusing and painful. It is a privilege to be in this state of grace and bring a sense of closure and peace to the whole family.

Because this service is so unique and must be customized to your companion there is no set price. Typically it ranges from $80 - $250. Please contact me for further details.
